Software Development
From Luis Gallego Hurtado - Not Another IT guy
Programming Paradigms
- Imperative: the programmer instructs the machine how to change its state
- Procedural: instructions are grouped into procedures
- Object-oriented: both, instructions and state they operate on, are grouped in classes
- Declarative: the programmer merely declares properties of the desired result, but not how to compute it
- Functional: result is the value of a series of function applications
- Logic: result is the outcoming value of applying facts and rules
- Mathematical: result is solution of an optimization problem
- Reactive: result is declared with data streams and the propagation of change
Programming Languages
- How to refactor a chain of asynchronous callbacks in Javascript
- Setting up a ReactJS SPA with Create-React-App
- Setting up a React-Native hybrid app with Expo
Hosting a Create-React-App (CRA) website
- Setting up a java spring boot app in Heroku
- Setting up a postgresql database in a Spring Boot App in Heroku
Google Cloud
- How to change Google account of your projects in Google Cloud Console
- Deploy a Dockerized Web Application or Service to Google Kubernetes Engine
- Deploy a Dockerized Web Application or Service to Google Compute Engine
Selecting source code repository tools
Documenting Software
- Doc as Code: markdown, asciidoc, plantuml